People magazine is raising the alarm that Prince William might be planning to marry long-time girlfriend Kate Middleton - possibly as early as February! A royal wedding would certainly be HUGE news - but first I have to ask, 'What's up with the hair?'
Prince William is just 28 years old. Yet he has the hairline of a man in his late 40s. Early hair loss is more common than most people realize - overall, men have a 20-percent chance of losing their locks while in their 20s. But in the majority of cases, 20-something hair loss is limited to mild temporal recession. Prince William's case is much more severe.
Were I in the royal family, I'd be urging the Prince to start an aggressive multi-therapy program ASAP. Rogaine and Propecia STAT. Although at this point, he's lost so much that a hair transplant will probably be needed as well (I'd recommend FUE with NeoGraft).