Thursday, September 8, 2011

Recession Alert: Justin Theroux

Justin Theroux has been spending a lot of time with hollywood starlet Jennifer Aniston, but only time will tell if being in the constant spotlight will be enough to make the actor address his receding hairline.

As you can see from the photo, Justin, 40, has deep recession in the temporal region, which isn't at all uncommon for a man his age. In fact, 40 percent of all men experience some hair loss in their 40s.

But since he is likely going to be spending more time in the spotlight as he and Aniston continue their romance, he may want to consider some preventative options. FDA-approved Rogaine or Propecia could help stop further recession, while a regimen of Low Level Laser Therapy could stimulate healthy hair growth.

Theroux would hardly be the first actor to embrace these treatments, more celebrities are investing in hair restoration than ever before. New technology and non-invasive procedures are selling points for many actors looking to enhance their looks discreetly.