Thursday, May 24, 2012

Recession Alert: Josh Duhamel

"Photo by PR Photos"

Good news for men everywhere, even with a receding hairline you can still be a Hollywood heartthrob! Just look at action movie star Josh Duhamel. 

In recent photos of the actor, 39, you can see early signs of temporal recession, which isn't at all uncommon for a man his age. Thirty percent of men in their 30s experience hair loss and the number increases to 40 percent as men enter their 40s. But luckily for Duhamel, while his hairline is maturing, typical of an adult hairline, he is fortunate to have an otherwise full head of hair.

Considering his status in Hollywood, Duhamel might want to consider a proactive hair regimen of FDA-approved Propecia or Rogaine, which could help him avoid any further recession. He would hardly be the first celebrity to take action against hair loss, more celebrities are investing in hair restoration than ever before. New technology and non-invasive procedures are selling points for many looking to enhance their looks discreetly.