Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mickey Rourke's Vanishing Hairline

"Photo by PR Photos"

New photos of actor Mickey Rourke have some asking, "What happened to his hair?!" The photos show the 59-year old star with over-processed, spiked blonde hair and a vanishing hairline. If you look back at older photos of Rourke, you'll see some early signs of temporal recession, but it appears now it is time for medical intervention if he wants to restore his hairline and save the hair that he has left! In my opinion, it is time to follow in the footsteps of a growing number of stars and get a hair transplant! 

Today, hair transplantation is growing in popularity and can often be done undetectably. NeoGraft FUE has made the transplantation process easier than ever and a viable option for both men and women. New technology and non-invasive procedures like NeoGraft are selling points for many celebrities looking to enhance their looks discreetly.