Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Coleen Rooney Displaying Signs of Traction Alopecia

England football star Wayne Rooney publicly shared his hair transplant last year by tweeting photos of his new hairline after the procedure. Now, new pictures indicate that his wife, Coleen Rooney, might also be struggling with hair loss. 

From the photos, you can see the 25-year old is sporting what appears to be a bald spot, a telling sign that she is likely suffering from a condition called traction alopecia. Coleen, who is said to be a frequent user of hair extensions, now appears to be dealing with the consequences of the pulling, styling and abuse her follicles have suffered over the years.

Traction Alopecia is common among people who wear tight braids, those who use hair extensions over a long period of time, attach wigs or weaves with glue/clips/tape, or those who suffer from trichotillomania (hair-pulling disease), traction alopecia is a result of the chronic tension or pulling on the follicles causing irreparable damage.

The definitive cure is hair transplantation which permanently replaces the follicles into the bald skin. However, without a change in hair-care habits, the transplanted hair is also at risk.