Friday, February 1, 2013

FUE Named Celebrity Beauty Trend of the Year, a UK men's online magazine, has named FUE, the cutting-edge hair transplant procedure, as one of the top cosmetic beauty trends of 2012. 

FUE-style transplants require no scalpel or stitches for harvesting of hair follicles, so there is no activity restriction after three days. A variety of devices, like NeoGraft, can assist with this type of procedure. New robotic methods are also being researched. 

The news shouldn't be surprising, considering that more athletes and celebrities are investing in hair restoration than ever before, thanks to new technology and non-invasive procedures like FUE, which are selling points for those in the spotlight looking to enhance their looks discreetly.

But while treatment can be done discreetly, a growing number of stars are talking openly about their hair restoration efforts. Footballer Wayne Rooney, actor James Nesbitt, and TV host Joel McHale are among the celebs who have discussed their hair transplants with the public.  

For more information on FUE hair transplants using NeoGraft, click here.